PAStar provides comprehensive coverage against accidents and 17 infectious diseases

Wherever you travel, pack some peace of mind.

Personal Accident Insurance

Protect yourself with personal accident (PA) insurance and embark on your active lifestyle with peace of mind! The pre-packaged plans of PAStar come with different limits that will meet your needs and budget.


  • Medical expenses coverage for accidents and 17 Specified Infectious Disease including Dengue Fever, Hand Foot Mouth Disease and ZIKA virus.
  • Marriage Bonus Allowance of S$100.
  • Cancellation of Staycation or Covered Event Due to Hospitalisation.
  • Baby Bonus Allowance of S$100.
  • Full Terrorism Coverage.
  • Weekly Income Benefit up to S$500.
  • Free Extension Coverage for Food Poisoning, Accidental Miscarriage, Insect / Animal Bites.

For full coverage info: PAStar Policy Wording



Basic Cover
Benefits Per Insured Adult
Deluxe Elite Elite Plus Elite Max
A. Accidental Death and Permanent Disablement $100,000 $200,000 $500,000 $1,000,000
B. Medical Expenses (per Accident) $3,000 $4,000 $7,000 $7,500
Sub-limit for treatment by a Chiropractor or Chinese Physician $300 per Accident (up to $50 per visit) subject to max. $600 per Policy Year $600 per Accident (up to $100 per visit) subject to max. $1,200 per Policy Year
Sub-limit for treatment by a Physiotherapist (per Policy Year) $1,000 $1,500
C. Daily Hospitalisation Allowance (per day)
up to 365 days for any one Accident $100 $150 $300 $400
D. Weekly Income Benefit (per week)
for temporary disablement up to 104 weeks in a row for any one Accident $100 $200 $400 $500
E. Family/Parental Allowance (per month)
for 12 months in the event of Accidental Death $2,000 $3,000
F. Re-employment Benefit
(upon ≥ 50% Permanent Disablement payment) $1,000 $2,000
G. Personal Effects & Belongings
damaged as a result of an accident payable under the policy (per Policy Year) $300 $400
H. Emergency Medical Evacuation & Repatriation
per Policy Year $50,000 per Insured Person subject to $100,000 in aggregate
I. Tuition Benefit for each Insured Child (per month)
for 12 months $200 $300
J. Mobility Aid
purchase or rental of Mobility Aid as prescribed by a Registered Medical Practitioner (per Accident) $3,000 $4,000
Free Extensions Deluxe Elite Elite Plus Elite Max
- Accidental Miscarriage and Recuperation Cash Allowance
- Baby Bonus Allowance
- Cancellation of Staycation or Covered Event due to Hospitalisation
- Disappearance
- Domestic Maid
- Double Hospitalisation Allowance in ICU Arising from Accidents
- Double Indemnity for Accidental Death as A Passenger in a Public Transport
- Exposure
- Facial Disfigurement & Reconstructive Surgery
- Food Poisoning
- Full Terrorism Cover
- Full-Time National Service when off-duty
- Infectious Diseases*
- Insect / Animal Bites
- Marriage Bonus Allowance
- Motorcycling
- No Claim Bonus
- Reservist Training
- Riot, Strike, Civil commotion, Hijack, Murder and Assault
- Suffocation by Smoke, Poisonous Fumes, Gas & Drowning
- Survivor Benefit (free 6 months policy extension)
- Trauma Counselling Expenses
BENEFITS per child Deluxe Elite Elite Plus Elite Max
A. Accidental Death and Permanent Disablement 25% of parent’s Sum Insured based on the lower of the parent’s selected plan. Where Elite Plus or Elite Max plans are selected, benefits per child will be computed based on 25% of Elite Plan's Sum Insured.
B. Medical Expenses
C. Daily Hospitalisation Allowance
H. Emergency Medical Evacuation & Repatriation
J. Mobility Aid
Deluxe Elite Elite Plus Elite Max
K. ID Booster providing Daily Hospitalisation Allowance (per day)
(up to 60 days)
- Due to 17 Specified Infectious Diseases
$100 $150 $300 $400
L. Education Fund
for Insured Child(ren) upon Accidental Death of the Insured Self and/or Insured Spouse $25,000 per Policy Year
M. Parent’s Cover
up to 4 parents including parents-in-law if both Insured Adults are covered under the same PAStar $25,000 (upon Accidental Death / Permanent Disability)

*List of 17 Specified Infectious Diseases
- Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS)
- Dengue Fever / Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever
- Variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (vCJD) or ‘Mad Cow Disease’
- Nipah Viral Encephalitis
- Japanese Viral Encephalitis
- Malaria
- Pulmonary Tuberculosis
- Measles
- Rabies
- Melioidosis
- Hand, Foot, Mouth Disease (HFMD)
- Avian Influenza or ‘Bird Flu’ due to Influenza A viral strains H1N1, H5N1, H9N2, H7N7 or H7N9
- Chikungunya Fever
- Mumps
- Rubella
- Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS)
- ZIKA virus

Permanent Disablement Table of Benefits

Description of Permanent Disablement (PD)
(Please refer to our office or website for full PD Table of Benefits)
% of Capital Sum Insured Payable
1. Total paralysis of all limbs 150%
2. Total and permanent loss of all sight of
- both eyes 150%
- one eye 100%
3. Total loss of speech 50%
4. Total loss of speech and hearing in both ears 150%
5. Total loss by physical severance or total and permanent loss of use of
- two whole limbs or two feet/hands 150%
- one leg at hip or between hip and ankle 100%
- loss of one arm at shoulder or between shoulder and wrist 100%
- one hand or one foot 100%
6. Total loss by physical severance or total and permanent loss of use of both thumbs and all fingers 100%
7. Total loss by physical severance or total and permanent loss of use of index finger 5% to 15%
8. Total loss by physical severance or total and permanent loss of use of little finger 3% to 10%
9. Total loss by physical severance or total and permanent loss of use of toes 3% to 18%
10. Fractured leg or patella with established non-union of leg or shortening of leg by at least five centimetres 10%
11. Third Degree Burns 50% to 100%

Where the injury is not specified, the Company will adopt a percentage of disablement, which in its opinion is not inconsistent with the provisions of the Table of Benefits.


Auto Renewal via GIRO payment of annual premiums is available!
Click to download Interbank GIRO Application Form.

If you wish to apply for Elite Max plan, please call 6461 6555 for assistance.

Basic Cover
Section A to J Including Extended Benefits
Annual Premium (Inclusive of GST)
Deluxe Elite Elite Plus Elite Max
Per Insured Adult
CLASS 1 $196.20 $316.10 $720.49 $1,106.35
CLASS 2 $239.80 $386.95 $800.06 $1,193.55
CLASS 3 $468.70 N.A.
Per Insured Child
If BOTH parents are covered under the same PAStar FREE for unlimited number of Children
If only ONE parent is covered under the same PAStar $47.96 $80.66
Optional Covers
Per Insured Adult
K. ID Booster according to plan selected $19.62 $23.98 $43.60 $54.50
L. Education Fund Per unit of S$25,000 $27.25
M. Parent’s Cover Per Parent $32.70
Per Insured Child
K. ID Booster
- If BOTH parents are covered for ID Booster
FREE for unlimited number of Children
- If only ONE parent is covered for ID Booster $5.45 $6.54

Classification of Occupation

Persons engaged in indoor & non-manual work in non-hazardous places
Persons engaged in outdoor, supervisory or occasional manual work not involving the use of tools or machinery or exposure to any special hazards
Persons engaged in manual work not of particularly hazardous nature but involving the use of tools or machinery
Examples - CLASS 1 Examples - CLASS 2 Examples - CLASS 3
- Admin-based Personnel (e.g. Assistant, Executive, Manager, Director)
- Air Crew & Pilot (Off-duty cover only)
- Architect
- Dentist / Doctor (Non-veterinary)
- Housewife / Homemaker
- Indoor Sales / Marketing (More than 80% in the office)
- MINDEF Admin Staff (Excludes field training)
- National Service Full-Time (Off-duty cover only)
- Nurse (Outpatient clinic)
- Software Engineer
- Student
- Teacher
- Actor / Actress
- Barber / Hairdresser
- Florist
- Factory Worker
- Foreman (Non-construction)
- Insurance Agent / Property Agent
- Magician
- Nurse
- Outdoor Sales / Marketing
- Surgeon
- Unarmed Security Guard
- Waiter / Waitress
- Air Conditioner / Appliance Repairman
- Baker / Chef
- Carpenter
- Contractor
- Driver (with Class 3 license)
- Electrician
- Gym / Fitness Instructor
- Hawker / Hawker Assistant
- Maintenance personnel (Inspector, Supervisor, Technician)
- Painter (not working at heights above 30 feet)
- Plumber
- Technician


Who can enroll in the policy?

You must be:

  • between 16 years and 65 years old,
  • a Singapore Citizen, Singapore Permanent Resident or expatriate or foreigner holding a valid employment pass, work permit, dependent pass, or student pass, and
  • residing in Singapore.

If you are studying or working overseas and provided you are not away from Singapore for more than 180 consecutive days, please contact Sompo for a separate quotation.


Can I claim for medical expenses and TCM treatment as a result of sprain, strain, back pain or skeletal muscle injuries?

For you to be eligible to claim for medical expenses/TCM treatment, there must be an Accident which result in sprain, strain, back pain or skeletal muscle injuries and is not due to exercise or household chores or overuse of muscles.

Please note that Injury must be a visible damage or visible harm to the Insured Person’s body caused by an external force during the Period of Insurance which is caused directly and solely by an Accident.

For us to assess the claim, we will require you to provide a report from your Registered Medical Practitioner/Chinese Physician stating the visible injury observed during your medical consultation and the cause of the injury. Otherwise, we will not be able to consider the claim.

Do I need to go for any medical examination?

No, your application will be assessed based on the health declaration made by you.

What are the policy main exclusions?

Some of the policy main exclusions include medical conditions (except as provided for under the policy), pre-existing conditions, war, wilful and/or intentional act, non-prescribed use of drugs, intoxication, insanity, venereal disease, AIDS, childbirth, and specific occupations as stated in the policy wording. Cover for infectious diseases will cease if the infectious disease is declared as a pandemic or epidemic by the health authority in Singapore or the Government of the Republic of Singapore or by the World Health Organisation (WHO). Please refer to the Policy Wordings for the full set of terms and conditions.

Is there a waiting period before I can make a claim under Medical Expenses due to Infectious Diseases?

Yes. There is a fourteen (14) days waiting period applicable from the first inception date of cover for the insured person.

What are the 17 Specified Infectious Diseases covered under PAStar?

  1. Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS)
  2. Dengue Fever / Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever
  3. Variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (vCJD) or ‘Mad Cow Disease’
  4. Nipah Viral Encephalitis
  5. Japanese Viral Encephalitis
  6. Malaria
  7. Pulmonary Tuberculosis
  8. Measles
  9. Rabies
  10. Melioidosis
  11. Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease (HFMD)
  12. Avian Influenza or ‘Bird Flu’ due to Influenza A viral strains H1N1, H5N1,H9N2,H7N7 or H7N9
  13. Chikungunya Fever
  14. Mumps
  15. Rubella
  16. Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS)
  17. Zika Virus

What happens if I have more than one PAStar policy with Sompo?

The policy with the highest limit will respond to any claims made.

Is there any Free Look Period?

Yes, you can enjoy 14 days Free Look from the day you receive your insurance policy. If the policy is not suitable for you, you can arrange to cancel your policy within this period and receive a full refund on the payment made provided no claim has been made under the policy. (Not applicable to renewals)

If I am required to serve Full-Time National Service, is the PAStar coverage still effective?

All claims arising directly or indirectly or in connection with Full-time National Service are not admissible. If you or the insured child are serving Full-Time National Service, the policy will extend to cover you or the insured child when you or the insured child are officially off-duty.

Can I upgrade my plan midway through my PAStar policy?

Plan upgrade can only be done upon renewal and subject to Sompo’s approval. Please contact Sompo’s Customer Service Hotline at +65 6461 6555 or email [email protected].

Will my No Claim Bonus be affected if another insured person in the policy (e.g. insured spouse) made a claim?

Yes, the sum insured increment will be suspended for all insured persons in the policy for the next renewal if a claim is made during the policy year. However, the current accumulated sum insured will not be forfeited.

Important Notice

Policy Owners’ Protection Scheme
This policy is protected under the Policy Owners’ Protection Scheme which is administered by the Singapore Deposit Insurance Corporation (SDIC). Coverage for your policy is automatic and no further action is required from you. For more information on the types of benefits that are covered under the scheme as well as the limits of coverage, where applicable, please contact Us or visit the GIA/LIA or SDIC web-sites ( or or