Protect your car with our Private Car Insurance

Wherever you travel, pack some peace of mind.

Private Car Insurance

Protect yourself, your passengers, and your car with our Private Car insurance so that you can drive with greater peace of mind.


  • 24-hour Emergency Assistance in the event of accident.
  • Coverage for loss or damage to your vehicle due to accident, fire or theft.
  • Coverage for damage to third party property and death or injury to third party
  • Coverage for towing services due to accident
  • Coverage for damage as a result of flood.
  • Unlimited windscreen cover.
  • Personal accident benefit and medical expenses coverage in the event of accident.
  • 5% Offence Free Discount (OFD) will be granted automatically if NCD is 30% and above.
  • Enjoy Loyalty Discount on Renewal.
  • Credit card installment applicable for selected Bank.


Features Comprehensive Plans
Vehicle Age
0 to 10
Years Old
Vehicle Age
0 to 15
Years Old
Preferred Workshop Authorised Workshop
1. Vehicle repair at your preferred motor workshop  
2. Vehicle repair at approved workshop assigned by Sompo
3. Loss or damage to your vehicle due to accident
(up to market value at time of loss or damage)
4. Loss or damage to your vehicle due Fire or Theft
(up to market value at time of loss or damage)
5. Damage to third party property
(Up to S$5,000,000)
6. Death or Injury to third party
7. Windscreen Cover
(Unlimited replacement with applicable excess indicated in Policy Schedule)
8. Personal Accident Cover
(up to S$50,000)

Optional Cover

NCD Protector Protect your No Claim Discount (NCD) by paying an additional premium. Applicable to 10% NCD and above.
Loss of Use You will receive S$50 per day from the first day of accident repair, up to maximum 7 days.
Waiver of Excess This Waiver of Excess benefit is limited to 1 accident claim per policy year and not applicable to Additional Excess as indicated in the Policy Schedule.


Premium differs by type of coverage and plan selected, the most affordable being the Third Party coverage because of the basic coverage offered. If you are looking for widest range of benefits, check out our Comprehensive preferred workshop plan as it allows for repair to be carried out at your preferred workshop.


  1. The applicant should be the registered owner of the vehicle
  2. Minimum 1 year of driving experience in Singapore
  3. Not more than 1 claim for the past 3 years
  4. Total claim amount not exceeding S$30,000 for the past 3 years


Refer to policy wordings for all exclusion


Will I enjoy any discount upon renewal?

You will automatically enjoy 5% loyalty discount for renewal.

Can I add in additional driver during policy term?

Yes, additional pro-rated premium may be charged depending on the profile of the driver. You can write in to us with the following details; NRIC, Date of Birth, Gender, Marital Status, Occupation, Driving Experience, Relationship to Policyholder and any claims experience in past 3 years.

Can I transfer my No Claim Discount (NCD) Protection to another insurer?

This is not possible, as NCD Protection is specific to existing insurer and is not transferrable to another insurer.

Important Notice

  1. Statement Pursuant to Section 25(5) of the Insurance Act. You are to disclose on this Proposal Form fully and faithfully all the facts which you know or ought to know, otherwise the policy issued hereunder may be void.
  2. Please note that this insurance is subject to the premium being paid and received in full by the Company (a) before the inception date where the Policy is to be issued to an Individual; or (b) within the period specified in the Premium Payment Warranty applied to the Policy in all other instances, failing which there will be no liability under this cover.
  3. The liability of the Company does not commence until this proposal is accepted.

Policy Owners’ Protection Scheme
This policy is protected under the Policy Owners’ Protection Scheme which is administered by the Singapore Deposit Insurance Corporation (SDIC). Coverage for your policy is automatic and no further action is required from you. For more information on the types of benefits that are covered under the scheme as well as the limits of coverage, where applicable, please contact Us or visit the GIA/LIA or SDIC web-sites ( or or