Protect your domestic helper with MaidEase

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Maid Insurance

Having a domestic helper makes your life easier. What better way to show your appreciation to them than with a comprehensive maid insurance plan? MaidEase is an innovative plan that ensures you and your domestic helper are well covered from unexpected incidents.


MaidEase covers these benefits:

  • Worldwide Personal Accident whereby up to S$70,000 is paid for accidental death or permanent disablement
  • Hospital and Surgical Expenses (including treatment) from Public and Private Hospitals in Singapore as well as Hospitals outside Singapore
  • Waiver of Counter Indemnity which limits your liability to S$250 (instead of S$5,000), so long as you are not the cause of the breach of the S$5,000 Security Bond
  • Domestic Helper Liability which covers your domestic helper’s unforeseen negligence resulting in accidental bodily injury or accidental property damage. This policy covers your legal liability to compensate the third party
  • Repatriation Expenses are covered for reasonable expenses incurred should you need to send your domestic helper to her home country upon accidental bodily injury, sickness or disease of whatsoever nature


Section / Schedule of Benefits Aggregate Limit Per Policy Period
Standard Prestige Prestige Plus
1. Accidental Death and Permanent Disability
Accidental Death $60,000 $70,000 $70,000
- Additional indemnity for death from accident in Dwelling $5,000 $5,000 $5,000
Permanent Disability As per scale stated in the Policy As per scale stated in the Policy As per scale stated in the Policy
Medical Expenses due to injury including $2,000 $3,000 $4,000
a) Treatment by Chinese Physicians $100 per accident $100 per accident $100 per accident
b) Treatment for Dengue Fever $150 $250 $250
c) Ambulance Services $100 $100 $100
2. Repatriation Expenses $10,000 $10,000 $10,000
3. Hospital and Surgical Expenses subject to: $120,000 $140,000 $160,000
Annual Limit
Co-payment conditions as mandated by Ministry of Manpower
- First $15,000 of eligible annual claim amount, no co-payment required
- Above $15,000 of eligible annual claim amount and up to Annual Limit, 25% co-payment applies on the amount
$60,000 $70,000 $80,000
4. Wages Compensation & Levy Reimbursement (up to 60 days) $30 per day $30 per day $40 per day
5. Alternative Help Benefit (up to 30 days) $10 per day $15 per day $20 per day
6. Recuperation Benefit for each day of hospitalisation (up to 60 days) $20 per day $30 per day $30 per day
7. Domestic Helper Liability $5,000 $10,000 $20,000
8. Dread Diseases Cover N.A. $2,500 $2,500
9. Termination Expenses and Re-Hiring Expenses (up to 90 days) $300 $500 $500
10. Domestic Helper’s Belongings $300 $500 $500
11. Special Grant $2,000 $2,500 $3,000
12. Fidelity Guarantee N.A. $3,000 $5,000
Letter of Guarantee / Waiver of Counter Indemnity
13. Letter of Guarantee to MOM (not applicable for Malaysian Helpers) $5,000 $5,000 $5,000
14. Waiver of Counter Indemnity for Letter of Guarantee $5,000 subject to excess of $250 $5,000 subject to excess of $250 $5,000 subject to excess of $250


Insurance Premium for 26 Months (inclusive of GST) Standard Prestige Prestige Plus
Insurance Benefits Only 40 Years Old and Below $479.65 $692.65 $886.65
Above 40 Years Old $649.35 $942.65 $1,213.65
Insurance + Letter of Guarantee 40 Years Old and Below $528.70 $741.70 $935.70
Above 40 Years Old $698.40 $991.70 $1,262.70
Insurance + Letter of Guarantee + Waiver of Counter Indemnity 40 Years Old and Below $583.20 $796.20 $990.20
Above 40 Years Old $752.90 $1,046.20 $1,317.20
Optional Cover for 26 Months (subject to additional premium) (inclusive of GST)
Waiver of 25% Co-payment for Section 3
- Hospital and Surgical Expenses
40 Years Old and Below $70.70 $105.10 $137.00
Above 40 Years Old $99.20 $147.10 $191.80

Our premium rating is computed for 24 months period in line with Work Permit Period. We do not charge any premium for the additional 2 months buffer period required by MOM for the current work permit. As such, these additional 2 months cannot be transferred to the next Work Permit renewal period or extension period.


The Employer and Domestic Helper must meet the following criteria to receive cover under this policy:

  1. The Employer:
    • is residing in Singapore;
    • is not an undischarged bankrupt;
    • never had to forfeit the security bond to the Singapore Ministry of Manpower related to any helper in the past, whether covered or not by any maid insurance;
    • never been refused when buying or renewing any maid insurance, nor has your maid insurance ever been cancelled or voided by your insurer;
  2. The Domestic Helper:
    • who is holding a valid work permit issued by Singapore’s Ministry of Manpower (MOM);
    • age 60 years old and below at the commencement of this Policy.


How do I apply for MaidEase?

Simply email us the MaidEase Application Form and the required documents to [email protected]

Required documents

  1. A copy of In-Principal Approval Letter or Renewal Notice from the Ministry of Manpower.
  2. Duly signed Application / Indemnity Form.

When will Sompo transmit the Guarantee Bond to MOM?

We will transmit the details to MOM upon successful issuance of your MaidEase Insurance Policy. Sompo will transmit the Guarantee Bond information to MOM electronically from Monday to Friday at 5pm. Upon successful transmission, you may then proceed to the MOM website to renew/issue your maid’s work permit.

How do I cancel my MaidEase Insurance Policy?

You will need to cancel your maid’s work permit on the MOM website. Upon receipt of the Discharge Letter from MOM, you may email us at [email protected] to cancel your MaidEase Insurance Policy.

Do I get a premium refund for the cancellation of Policy?

A short period refund will be payable for the Policy Cancellation within 180 days from the inception date of the policy. The scale of the refund is shown below.

Cancellation within No. of Days* Scale of Refund
60 days 70% of Policy Premium
61 to 120 days 50% of Policy Premium
121 to 180 days 30% of Policy Premium
After 180 days No Refund

* For Policy where the Period of Insurance is less than 26 consecutive months, no refund will be given where cancellation is more than 90 days after policy inception.

No refund shall be given where a claim has been lodged under the policy.

Pre-contract disclosure for medical insurance plans for Work Permit and S Pass Holders

PRODUCT NAME: MaidEase Insurance

This product provides coverage for the following features that comply with the Ministry of Manpower’s (MOM) enhanced Medical Insurance requirements1:

[Stage 1] Applies to policies with start date effective on or after 1 July 2023 Yes/No
Annual claim limit of at least $60,000, inclusive of a first-dollar cover of $15,000 Yes
For portion of the bill above $15,000, the employer must co-pay up to 25% (to the hospital) Yes
[Stage 2] Applies to policies with start date effective on or after 1 July 2025 Yes/No
Exclusions are in line with MOM’s list of allowable exclusions2 No
Age-differentiated premiums are in 2 age bands: (1) ≤50 years old and (2) >50 years old No
Insurers will reimburse our portion of the hospital bill to hospitals directly upon admissibility of the medical claim No

[Note: Insurers need to comply with the enhanced Medical Insurance requirements under Stage 1 on or after 1 July 2023 and Stage 2 on or after 1 July 2025.]

1 Click here for MOM’s press release on the enhanced medical insurance.
2 Refer to Annex of the press release for the list of allowable exclusions.

Important Notice

Policy Owners’ Protection Scheme
This policy is protected under the Policy Owners’ Protection Scheme which is administered by the Singapore Deposit Insurance Corporation (SDIC). Coverage for your policy is automatic and no further action is required from you. For more information on the types of benefits that are covered under the scheme as well as the limits of coverage, where applicable, please contact Us or visit the GIA/LIA or SDIC web-sites ( or or

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